The Gloversville Huskies Volleyball Program is holding a Sturgess Chicken Dinner Fundraiser on Monday, Sept 25 from 2 pm to 6 pm in the Runnings parking lot. If interested in buying a ticket, see any volleyball player or coach.

Transportation Services for GESD Scholars 2023-24
Click here to view: https://5il.co/24fnm or visit www.gesdk12.org

P-EBT Benefits for 2021-22 School Year, Summer 2022, and Summer 2023
For more information click on this link: https://5il.co/24c3e or visit www.gesdk12.org

City of Gloversville hourly bus schedule has a stop at Lincoln St./West St. at 6:55 a.m., 7:55 a.m., 8:55 a.m, 9:55 a.m. GESD scholars are able to use all city buses free of charge.
Click on this link for more information: https://5il.co/23eee

Approximately, 60 new scholars were screened for Pre-K today. These brilliant youngsters and their families met their teachers and had their first experiences as Gloversville Huskies! Pre-K students will attend classes at either Park Terrace or Kingsborough Elementary Schools.

Reminder the deadline to sign up for the elementary shuttle bus is Monday, Aug 28th. All scholars requesting the shuttle bus must resign up each year.
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/VtJXLRpzwdWDzjRs7

We would like to give a BIG SHOUT-OUT to our local Gloversville Walmart for their generous donation of 80 backpacks for our scholars. These will be distributed during our Backpack Give Away on August 31 from 11am-2pm at Boulevard Elementary School.

Need to use the elementary shuttle bus this fall? Elementary Shuttle Bus Sign-up is now open for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
The deadline to submit the form will be Monday, Aug. 28th.
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/VtJXLRpzwdWDzjRs7

Changes Ahead for Elementary Drop Off and Pick up Times.

Social Skills Training for Teens with Autism - Fall 2023

The 4th Quarter Honor Roll list is here!
Congratulations to all of our Scholars!
Click here to view: https://5il.co/1zjy9

School Supply Lists are now ready on our website.
Click on the link to view it : https://www.gesdk12.org/documents/important-documents/2023/school-supply/486896

Summer lunches will be moved to the Middle school to the single door at the cafeteria just down the hill from the HS.

Starting July 11th, Scholars can pick up breakfast and lunch at the Gloversville High School between the hours of 11 am-12:15 pm. Click on this link to view our menus: https://www.gesdk12.org/documents/lunch-menu/146251

Lincoln Street will be shut down for paving from 7/17 to 7/28/23. Please see attached map for details.

Mrs. VanNostrand’s third-grade class enjoys a wonderful presentation from "The Bee Lady”, Mrs. Cindy Elzenbeck. She visited each classroom with a model hive and taught us all about bees!

Prevention in Act-ion!