Kingsborough's Amazing Attendance Race is neck and neck! Our scholars are really enjoying the race! 5 days left! Make sure your scholar attends school to help advance their class car!
Mr. Snow has been stopping in to our classrooms to surprise our scholars and read them a book. Today, he visited Pre K.
Registration is open for CARD's Annual Statewide Autism Conference!
Last week's Husky Buck Winners from Kingsborough Elementary! Great job! These scholars follow the 3 Bs! We are proud of you!
Gloversville School District will open at normal times tomorrow, Friday February 3rd. A two hour delay would not see an improvement in temperature or windchill according to the forecast. Please be sure to bundle up with proper clothing, including coats, hats, gloves and boots.
This week's Husky Buck Winners from Kingsborough! We are so proud of you and your following the 3 Bs! Thank you for being such great leaders!
Kingsborough and Park Terrace will be conducting The Amazing Attendance Race! The class that finishes in first will win a surprise PRIZE!
Due to deteriorating weather conditions forecast for this this afternoon, GESD will be dismissing early today. GMS and GHS will dismiss at 12:40 PM and Elementary Schools will dismiss at 1:30 PM. All after school activities are canceled.
Kingsborough's weekly Husky Buck Scholars! These scholars are school leaders by practicing their 3 B's! They are Respectful, Responsible and Safe! Great Job! We are proud of you!
All after school activities, including athletics games and practices are cancelled.
Great choices and amazing behavior earns a Pop Up Party at Kingsborough!
Gloversville Elementary Scholars
PreK through Fifth Grade have a ½ day on
Friday, January 13th, 2023
PreK and Kindergarten Dismissed at 11:20am
First and Second Grades Dismissed at 11:30am
Third through Fifth Grades Dismissed at 11:30am
Family Friendly Movie Matinée Series!
Gloversville Elementary Scholars
PreK through Fifth Grade
have a ½ day on
Friday, January 13th, 2023.
Let’s have some fun on that day!
Flannel vs. Snowman Day!
Kingsborough's Staff were randomly picked to act out a portion of the 12 Days of Christmas for our scholars.
Join Our Team!
Thank you to our Kingsborough cafe staff! These ladies go above and beyond every day for our scholars and staff. They even prepared a turkey dinner for our scholars to celebrate the holidays! Thank you Lorna, Joyce and Donna! We value all you do!
A kind and thoughtful first grade scholar made ornaments for Kingsborough Elementary School's crossing guard and his dog! We are lucky to have such a caring scholar and amazing crossing guard!
Mrs. Pagerie’s second graders at Kingsborough Elementary have been learning about how plants and animals depend on each other for survival. Last week as scientists they examined several seed varieties: burdock, maple, cherry, ash, oak, and sunflower.
This week in Mrs. Esler's room at Kingsborough … scholars were super excited to meet Rudolph’s younger sister, Rosie the Reindeer. She taught them that with hard work and determination…they can achieve their dreams!