Contact Information
DiAnne Mott
(760) LOFT 333,
Download the Parent Brochure
Informational video: View on YouTube
More Information: You can find news and events about The Loft on Facebook, the GESD events page, and your school's morning announcements.
The Loft
A Free After School Youth Drop-in Center

The Loft is an Enhanced Youth Drop-in Center located at The Center of Hope and is a partnership between Gloversville Enlarged School District (GESD) and Gloversville Free Methodist Church (GFMC) available to scholars in 6-12th grades.
The Loft F.A.Q’s: If you do not see the information you are looking for, contact us.
Who is overseeing the scholars, and what scholars are able to attend?
The Loft is supervised by The Director, DiAnne Mott, Recreation Director Eileen Rovito, a rotation of GESD Teachers: Ken Ille, Andy Facilli, Stephen Wendt, Kayla Van Hooker, Josh Herod, and Luke Horton; as well as volunteers from the Community (GESD and GFMC). All Directors and Tutor Staff are certified Teachers.
Gloversville Enlarged School District Scholars, grades 6-12 are invited to attend.
The Loft space is provided by Gloversville Free Methodist Church and tutor coverage is supplied by GESD. All supplies, custodial services, equipment, and expenditures are covered by the generosity of donations and sponsorships.
What is offered at the Loft for scholars?
Programming with a purpose! The LOFT is a teen refuge with “student-driven” opportunities to interact with others, acquire personal/ job/ and life skills, and instill a sense of community. Activities are varied and change by interest level and need. Problem-solving and good choices are a daily focus. The program is designed to leave the teens “wanting more”, rather than becoming just “another place to hang.” Activities are structured and strategic. Gym Time: The Loft has a gymnasium, supervised by Certified Teachers and student leaders. Scholars are introduced to new gym games and equipment and participate in sports and fitness activities in a safe environment that enforces good sportsmanship and team-building skills.
The Loft offers gaming systems like Nintendo, PlayStation, and “Just Dance” as well as foosball, pool, air hockey, and more. Again, these skill-based activities engage peers in healthy interactions, teamwork, conflict resolution, and good sportsmanship. Chromebooks/Internet: GFMC has provided internet and GESD supplies Chromebooks for scholars' use. They are able to log onto their school accounts for homework. Certified GESD Teachers tutor scholars with homework or extra help, in any subject.
The Loft offers a small, free snack daily. But, also offers snacks for purchase from .15 - $1.25 in The Café Snack Shack.
Guest Features:
We have ongoing, regularly scheduled, guest features such as The Creative Zone, The Youth Coalition, Art in The LOFT, Public Health, Crafts, and quarterly Dances. You never know who will be at the Loft! We also bring in specialty guest features such as (K9 Officers, Military members, Magic shows, Taxidermy, Skateboard Techniques, Cooking, Visual Artists). View the calendar of events, to stay informed.
When is the Loft open?
Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4:30 when school is in session. The Loft will not operate during school breaks, weather closures, or summer recess.
Where is the Loft located?
33 Bleecker Street Gloversville, NY 12078. In the old YWCA building, on the third floor. There is a sign above the entrance, scholars will see a sign-in table as they enter.
Why should your child attend the Loft?
The Loft presents a safe, positive environment where scholars have opportunities to participate in activities that enhance and extend academic experiences while providing for positive social and emotional growth and development. It also provides opportunities to be active and play in a safe way. The parents, community members, and school district employees involved mentor scholars to make better life choices and enhance personal strengths while building community.
How do scholars enter the Loft?
They can drop in anytime and stay for any duration of time. When scholars arrive they will ‘check in’ at the front table with volunteers, and they will also be asked to ‘check out’ before leaving. Once a scholar signs out for the day they will not be allowed reentry. Transportation is not provided to The Loft.