Park Terrace Elementary School adheres to the Gloversville Enlarged School District Code of Conduct.
The following procedures are from the Park Terrace Parent Handbook that is provided to parents at the start of each school year.
Doors open at: 8:15.
Regular Day of Instruction: 8:40 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Any scholar who arrives after 8:40 a.m. is considered tardy. The doors will be locked promptly. Scholars need to get a pass from the main office before going to class. A note of explanation from the parent will insure that the proper reason for the tardiness is recorded in the official class register. State law requires strict accounting of scholar attendance and punctuality, regardless of cause.
Sometimes we realize that it is necessary to sign your child out for an appointment, however, signing your child out early on a regular basis is discouraged. Dismissal is a busy time. In order to ensure your child’s safety and ability to account for all children, early dismissals or changes to dismissal will not be allowed between 2:00 pm-3:00 p.m. If an early dismissal is needed please pick up your child by 2:30. Scholars should not be released after 2:30 due to the confusion this creates at dismissal time.
Minor interruptions can have a major impact on classroom instruction. All visitors are asked to report to the office upon entering the school. We will see that your child gets forgotten lunches, clothes, money, etc. This will greatly assist us in maximizing instructional time for all children. Also, please note that ALL DOORS will be locked to ensure a safe environment for learning. If you are visiting for a special event or a meeting during the school day please be prepared to show identification.
As a result of a law passed by the State Legislature, all school districts in New York State must inform parents of elementary (K-6) school scholars of their right to be notified when the pupil is absent from school. If you desire such notification, please provide the school with a written request indicating your child’s name, grade, and homeroom teacher, and the phone number you or a guardian can be reached during the first two hours of the school day. If you choose to be notified, please assist us by calling the office at 518-775-5750 when you know your child will be absent. This will greatly reduce unnecessary phone calls. Whenever your child is absent, please be aware that we must have a written excuse of absence to be kept on file. The child must present the excuse, with the reason for absence, the date(s) of absence(s), and the parent’s signature to the classroom teacher on the day the child returns to school, or within five days. Scholars who incur more than ten (10) unexcused days absent will receive a letter from the main office addressing this issue. Letters will also be sent for fifteen (15) and twenty (20) days. These letters will be forwarded to the District Attorney for possible action from the Fulton County Department of Social Services.
All children must wear sneakers and appropriate physical education attire to participate in gym class. Excuses from Physical Education: Physical education is an integral part of our school curriculum. Attendance and participation on the part of all students are required. The only excuse for not attending and/or participating is a medical excused signed by a physician.
Certain day-to-day absences, requested in writing by the parent might be reasonable and may be approved by the school nurse. The medical excuse should contain the following:
a) Scholars’s name
b) Scholars’s grade
c) Nature of illness or disability
d) Length of time excuse is valid
e) Nature of the excuse (non-participation)
Mandated physical examinations are required upon: entry to school, as well as grades 2, 4, 7 & 10. These exams should be done by your child’s doctor but can be done by the school doctor if necessary.
The school nurse cannot legally diagnose, prescribe, or treat any condition. If it is necessary for a child to receive any medication during the school hours, all the following procedures must be followed:
1) The written order from your physician specifying the diagnosis, medication, (possible side effects), dosage, frequency, and the time element for administering this medication.
2) The written request of the parents, requesting that school personnel administer the medication as ordered.
3) The family must provide the medication in a pharmacy labeled bottle, tube, or container that clearly indicates the date, name of child and physician, dosage, and frequency. You can ask for an extra labeled bottle for field trips. This should be brought to school by the parent because medicine is easily lost by children.
4) We also need a recent picture of your child for identification. Dental Examination: Scholars enrolling in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade in a public elementary school in this state to present a dental health certificate; such a dental health certificate must contain a report of a comprehensive dental examination performed on such child.
When a child will be absent for a three week period or longer, he/she may qualify for home tutoring. A doctor’s note stating the diagnosed illness and the length of confinement at home must be submitted to the principal, along with a written parent request for home tutoring.
Parents are asked to make routine dental appointments outside school hours. Local dentists have generally cooperated in order that the child will not lose any instructional time.
If it becomes necessary for a child to be taken from school by a parent during school hours, the parent should come to the main office for the child. Children will not be released to adult friends or relatives without written permission from the parents. Children may not walk home during school hours. The parent or guardian must take the child in person. You are required to sign your child out personally in the office and present a valid photo id.
A lost and found box is located outside on the hook by the cafe. It is suggested that all articles of clothing be labeled with your child’s name to ensure a prompt return to the owner.
Students must wear helmets when riding their bicycles to school. A lock should be brought to lock the bicycle up to ensure it not being stolen. We are NOT responsible for stolen bikes! All bicycles must be kept in the bicycle rack on the lower playground. THEY ARE NOT TO BE KEPT IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. Again, it is recommended that all bicycles be locked.
Check your child’s book bag each night. We have purchased folders for each student in the school. This folder will be used for students to bring home every day for homework, as well as, Parent-Teacher Communications.
The school encourages parent-teacher conferences. Parents may request a meeting at any time during the school year. Please call the office in order to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher. Parent-teacher conferences that are planned will be of the most value to all concerned. Five additional half-days for parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled throughout the school year. A notification will be sent home giving the dates for parent-teacher conferences, or you can check the school website.
In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary to send your child home during the school day. When you expect to be away from home during school hours, please arrange to have a relative or friend available for us to contact. Such a person should be prepared to transport your child home and care for him/her in your absence. This person’s name, address and telephone number should be filed at the school nurse’s office on their emergency card.
We encourage parents who have special skills (academic, arts, crafts, hobbies, etc.) to share their interests and skills with the school. Interested parents are requested to contact the principal or classroom teacher.
In fall 2017, our parking lot was reconfigured to allow for more parking spaces, as well as a new traffic pattern. The tennis court area is now lined with parking spaces and a traffic loop. For those parents who drive child(ren) to school, we have 154 parking spaces including five new handicapped-accessible spaces. The bus loop is located directly in front of the main entrance. THIS LOOP IS FOR BUSES ONLY. Please be aware that there are new stop lines in the parking lot to allow for student/parent crossing and buses. We aim to create an organized and calm environment for our children during dismissal and your assistance in this goal is much appreciated. When visiting our school, please park in the parking lot. DO NOT PARK IN THE BUS ZONE IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL.
There are many factors that contribute to excellence in education. Among the most prominent of these factors is the development of a school environment that reflects order and discipline. Discipline is achieved when learning is valued and teachers are respected; disruptive behavior is dealt with firmly, fairly and quickly; students are expected to attend classes and complete assignments; high academic standards are expected to be met; and when learning entails effort, hard work, and sacrifice.
To maintain this kind of discipline, cooperation is needed from all elements of society, especially parents. By supporting and enhancing discipline in the school, parents foster a situation in which teachers can spend their time engaged in the process of teaching rather than consuming valuable time dealing with disruptive behavior and poor learning attitudes.
The following are suggestions for parents as to what they can do to promote better discipline in the schools:
1) Become knowledgeable of the behavior policy of your child’s school. What conduct is expected in the classroom and on school grounds? What procedure is followed when problems arise?
2) Instill in your child a sense of responsibility for what he/she says and does. Children should realize that disruption and disorder in the classroom undermine the educational effort and hurts everyone.
3) Encourage respect for authority.
4) Create an atmosphere where your child feels secure about discussing school-related concerns and problems. Discuss their concerns and problems with your child’s teacher or an administrator.
5) Review your own attitude toward discipline. If parents don’t consistently enforce reasonable and firm rules, then perhaps it is too much to expect such discipline within the schools.
6) Most importantly, parents must be a model of respect for the learning process. A key to the attainment of excellence in education is the re-dedication to learning within the home.
Consistent with the philosophy of education, elementary school counseling concerns itself with children in the developmental process of maximizing their potential. Particular attention and time need to be given in the educational program of young children to provide training and opportunities to learn decision-making skills. Individuals make choices and decisions that ultimately determine their behavior and learning. Mrs. Ciaccio, our School Counselor, works with children in the following ways:
1) Classroom guidance lessons.
2) Group counseling with specific focuses, i.e., Banana Splits, family alcoholism, violence, conflict resolution, self-esteem, abuse, friendship groups, etc.
3) Individual counseling.
Our counselor is available for consultation with staff, parents, and outside agencies, as well as, through the child study process.
Services are available to Park Terrace students on a regular basis. Please contact our school counselor if you are requesting these services.
All elementary students will receive meals at NO CHARGE. If you have any questions, you can contact Food Services at 518-775-5708. Please note: If we have an emergency two-hour delay, NO breakfast will be served.
We believe that all children can learn! However, we can’t do it alone. We need your help. Please become a partner in education with our school. Reading is the foundation of success in school and in life. Make it a habit to read with your child every day!
If you cannot access or are having trouble viewing any information in this format, please contact the district at (518) 775-5702, and a hard copy will be provided, if available.